Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Okay Jeremy, so your fellow classmates call you pewney? Jerks...it's a good thing that I didn't know that or else...gain weight babe and then pound 'em in the face with your massive biceps! And then flash 'em your six pack and then we'll see whose pewney...
Anyway, I have been struggling getting the motivation to start actively lose weight cuz I am so flippin tired. Yes people, having a two year old and twins is tiring...so thats why I don't excercise every day. I have been trying to do good with my eating, and I eat a ton of fruit and veggies. I have been active since I have been here in Rexburg with my family, and it feels good to do stuff. But I don't have a way to really do that when I am with the kids at my own house. Anyway, I don't know my weight exactly. I think I have like 7 or so pounds to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, which puts me to about 136 or 138. Ugh...

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